Town Council Meeting

Calendar Date:
Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 7:00pm

IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 20-69 (Emergency Management – COVID-19 – Local Government Public Meetings), the Emergency Declaration issued by the Town, and FS 286.0114 (3) (b), the Town Hall meeting shall be modified with respect to public access and public comment. Public comment will be received via e-mail ( up until 6:00 p.m. on May 14, 2020. Any public comments received via e-mail, will be made part of the record of the meeting. If you prefer to appear in person to address the Town Council, access to the Town Hall by the public will be limited to no more than 10 persons in the Council Chambers including Town Council, Staff and PBSO; provided, however, that those persons exhibiting signs of illness, such as coughing or sneezing will not be permitted in the Town Hall. Each person will be granted 5 minutes to speak either on an agenda item or under Public Comment.  If you wish to speak on a specific agenda item, please tell the Administrator prior to your entrance so she can schedule speakers accordingly.  All persons will be required to bring their own mask and wear it when entering Council Chambers to address the Town Council. Those persons gathering outside the Town Hall shall maintain a separation of at least six feet from one another, and it is recommended that masks be worn as well. If you wish to listen to the Town Council Meeting via teleconferencing, dial 1-877-953-1152 and enter participant code 7404157#. Those individuals gathering outside of the Town Hall will need to dial-in to the number above as there will be no speaker outside to broadcast the meeting.  Once the meeting begins, all participants will be muted, however, after Council discusses a specific agenda item, but prior to the vote, the call will be unmuted to allow for questions. Please be courteous of the other participants, speak in turns and do not talk over another speaker. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these uncertain times.